
About Us

LeadStrive, operated by AJWN Consulting, is a lead follow-up automation cloud-based software with experience in internet marketing, customer service, and communication technology backed by its user base of industry experts—from mortgage lending and real estate to insurance and finance. 

We help professional services, big or small, reach and build relationships with their prospective clients while saving tremendous resources and time. That’s why companies choose LeadStrive to convert their internet contacts and leads into sales.

Our Mission

To help small businesses and entrepreneurs save valuable time and effort with lead contacting automation, providing you with a lead management system, optimizing your local business listing and simplifying online lead generation.

Featured Solutions

If you know whom you want to reach, we can connect you.

LeadStrive Software

Our all-in-one central workspace for you and your staff. Don't let another opportunity slip through the cracks.

Digital Services

From web design to Google Business cleanup, we help you get in front of more potential clients.

Social Media Marketing

Wanting to be in front of your audience where they spend their time most?

Ready to get started?

Learn how LeadStrive can help you cover up cracks in your Sales & Marketing today and win back lost time spent chasing those missed clients.